Urban Visual Intelligence: Studying Cities with AI and Street-level Imagery
Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Long-term Effects of Redlining on Climate Risk Exposure
Nature Cities
Understanding Urban Economies, Land Use, and Social Dynamics in the City: Big Data and Measurement
Handbook on Big Data, AI, and Cities
The 15-minute City Quantified Using Human Mobility Data
Nature Human Behavior
Boil Water Alerts and their Impact on Public School Attendance in Jackson, Mississippi.
Nature Water
Smart Curbs: Measuring Street Activities in Real-Time Using Computer Vision
Landscape and Urban Planning
Measuring the Impact of Slow Zones on Street Life Using Social Media
Reflection on the dynamic soundscapes of human activity and the natural environment in urban parks during the pandemic
The Micro Persistence of Layouts and Design: Quasi-experimental Evidence from the United States Housing Corporation
Regional Science and Urban Economics
Favelas 4D: Scalable Methods for Morphology Analysis of Informal Settlements Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Spatial Proximity Matters: A Study on Collaboration
Plos One
Desirable streets: Using Deviations in Pedestrian Trajectories to Measure the Value of the Built Environment
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
The Shape of Segregation: The Role of Urban Form in Immigrant Assimilation
Crowdsourcing Architectural Beauty: Online Photo Frequency Predicts Building Aesthetic Ratings
Real Trends: The Future of Real Estate in the United States